People often ask me to recommend some pattern making books, so I decided to write a few introductions. Well, there are already these two articles about the Pattern Magic-series, which I continue to recommend, but now it’s time to introduce something more basic. I chose some books which I want to write about.
The perfect book to start with, is Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear by Winifred Aldrich, which has been around since 1975 and by now has reached its 6th edition. It’s been published by John Wiley & Sons.
What’s it about
The book has been written for fashion-students, who are beginners in pattern making, but it’s also useful as a reference book for freelance-designers.
It teaches the basics of pattern making, starting from the basic blocks of all the various garment types: skirt,trouser, bodice, jacket, coat.. And how to transform them into various different styles. So basically this book includes all the information you need, if you want to start drafting your own patterns.
As the title of the book suggests, this is a pattern making book that uses the metric system. For me, this is a good thing, as I’ve always measured everything in cm, and I find inches somewhat difficult. Of course, it might be the opposite case for you!
Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear gives you the chance to draft patterns to your own measurements. But you can use industrial sizes, too. There are a couple of different size charts: one for teenagers, with a more athletic figure (=high-street fashion), including sizes 6-16. And one for the mature women (=standard), sizes 6-24. Both with the possibility to adjust the measurements by the person’s height: short, medium or tall. There are also different charts for leisure wear with the letter-codes XS-XXL.
The size-charts have been updated to reflect the changes in body sizing during the years. This usually means bigger waist and -hips and a smaller bust.
This book contains lots of useful general information about pattern making, but most importantly it explains step by step how to draft the basic blocks, including how much ease to add.
The blocks have been divided into those with darts, called form blocks, and the dartless, called flat blocks. Each basic garment type is followed by different adaptations. For example, the basic skirt becomes a panel skirt, cowl skirt or a skirt with godets, just to name a few. Different waistline adaptations are explained, such as how to draft a facing or how to separate a yoke.
The chapter on bodice blocks teaches you all about dart-manipulation: moving the darts around, absorbing them in style-lines, pleats or gathers and so on.
There are separate chapters for sleeves & cuffs and necklines & collars. They give you the possibility for endless variations. I think, once you get the idea, you might even be able to make your very own versions.
A particularly useful chapter is the one that talks about correcting fit issues. Because lets face it, not everybody has the standard body-shape.
How to modify the pattern if you have big shoulders, long back or a large belly? These are the things to know if you’re doing made-to-measure.
Who should get the book
In my opinion, Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear is a book for people, who would like to start drafting their own patterns. If you’re no longer happy with modifying commercial patterns to fit your shape, why not learn how to start from the beginning with your own measurements? I know it’ll take some time to learn, and drafting the basic pattern blocks can be difficult, or even boring. But trust me, you’ll be very happy afterwards.
Drafting basic blocks and transforming them into all sorts of different garment-patterns is what pattern making is all about. So if you know these things, you’ll get far. It will be so gratifying to wear something you made, knowing that you even drafted the pattern yourself! If you want to be able to create really unique garments, this book is an excellent way to start.
Do you already have Metric Pattern Cutting for Women’s Wear? Has it been useful for you? Which other books would you recommend?
I use the Mueller & Sohn, Munich, books. I also attended three different classes on it, they taught this system. It is what most tailors use in German speaking countries, but as far as I am informed, most of the books are also available in English.
I must check them out. It’s interesting to see different methods. Personally I use an Italian system, but there isn’t any book about it.
need womens corset cutting
I’ve seen a few books dedicated to corsets, but you might also find lingerie patternmaking books useful.
I love the Winifred Aldrich books and use them as an alternative source for my students. I have all her books and really like the jacket book. The only negative is that I find the shoulder slope too angled ad the shoulder a bit wide but both are easily corrected
That’s so great! I’m collecting different methods. 😀 Not sure if there is a perfect one, but I’d like to have time to compare at least some of them. Maybe the most used ones.
If you are collecting drafting methods, have you see the Telestia method. It uses a large yellow square template. You can see the bodice drafting here: It takes her 15 mins to draft the block. I did a course to draft a block and mine was almost spot on. I had to take two tiny darts out of the neck and shorten the shoulder (I think the shoulder was a measurement error on my part!). Anyway, if you haven’t seen it yet you might be interested to take a look.
Interesting. 🙂 I’ll need to have a look. It’s always nice to compare different methods.
I agree with Genevieve. I adapted the drafting method to use more measurements for a more accurate first draft ( but I suspect it’s inevitable that some fitting will have to be done 🙂
Cool! Yes, the perfect method is yet to be found. 😀 For me the most easiest way to adjust the shoulder slope angle is to make a toile and correct directly on the person wearing it. Thanks for posting the link. I’m sure it will be an interesting read for anyone using this book.
I just obtained my certificate in Tailoring ladt year 2020 and want to go further with fashion design so my previous Lecture was using The 5th metric pattern cutting for women’s wear Winifred Aldrich and i realise there’s a 6th edition so im kindly asking which edition is the perfect one.
Congrats on your certification. 🙂 Unfortunately I only the 6th edition so I don’t know if it’s better than the 5th. But usually they add and update text when publishing new editions, so if you have the possibility, you could get the newer version.
I looked at the 6th edition, and I think the 5th edition is more comprehensive. Older editions have other information in too, which they seem to take out to make room to expand the stretch sections. I’d keep your 5th edition 🙂
Ive heard 6th edition is the best
I love your blog and this book looks excellent. Ive been sewing for a good few years not but only during the lockdown I learnt how to make my own patterns after watching millions of youtube videos!! Thank you l you’re such an inspiration x I’ll definitely be purchasing this book
Thanks so much! 🙂 It’s great that you decided to learn patternmaking. It’s such a useful skill combined with sewing.
I would love to get the 6th edition. I have been using the fifth edition. So far, it’s the easiest pattern book I have come across
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. After I retired, I wanted to learn new skills , something very different from my previous job. I feel happy and grateful descovering your page!!
You’re welcome! 🙂 Drafting patterns is certainly a great new skill to learn! Endless possibilities for creativity.